/ The Aisle Channel - Say YES to the Challenge /

今集我哋請嚟一位黃金漢嚟一個大變身!到底佢經過 The Aisle Members 一番巧手改造後,能唔能夠成功變身呢?佢哋仲係 W Hong Kong 影咗輯婚照,希望Chris 同Michelle 滿意今次 The Aisle 嘅計劃啦!


形象指導及男裝禮服:Eddie @ Urban by MODE 
攝影:Johnathan @ Johnathan Lee Fine Art Photo
化妝:Candice @ By Candiicexx 
場地:W Hong Kong
婚紗:S.A. Bridal
飾物:Shmily Handmade Accessory
髮型:Handsome Factory Barbershop

Woody Storytelling
Journal Book

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